Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sukhoi 50 Passenger Name List Goes Missing in Indonesia

Sukhoi 50 Passenger Name List

Of the 50 people who registered as a passenger aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100 is missing on Wednesday (05.09.2012), unknown names who did not participate in the flight.

Consultant of PT Trimarga Rekatama, Sunaryo, Wednesday night, said to-50 people are listed in the guest book before the aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100 flight demonstration on Wednesday afternoon. He could not confirm whether all the names were actually included in the Sukhoi departure. Name of former Minister of Housing Suharso Monoarfa, for example, recorded in the order of-35 on the list.Suharso ultimately did not participate in the ill-fated flight.

"The list of manifest carried by one man, named Mr. Yudi. He became one of the missing passenger's Sukhoi aircraft. So we can not be sure who is involved and no. I apologize profusely, hopefully I would expect, there are included in the list, but not to fly, "Sunaryo said.

Sunaryo ensure, eight of the 50 names are the crew of the Russian Sukhoi. The following names are listed in the airplane flight guestbook:

  1. Fazal Ahmad (Indo Asia)
  2. Insan Kamil (Indo Asia)
  3. Edo Edward M (Indo Asia)
  4. Ismie (Trans)
  5. Aditya Sukardi (Trans)
  6. Indra Halim (PT KAL)
  7. Riefyan S (PT KAL)
  8. Dody Aviantara (Magazine Space)
  9. Yusuf (Magazine Space)
  10. Femi (Bloomberg)
  11. Stephen Kamaci (Indo Asia)
  12. Capt. Aan (Kartika Air)
  13. Yusuf Ari Wibowo (Sky)
  14. Mary Marcella (Sky / Italy)
  15. Henny Stevani (Sky)
  16. Mai Sharh (Sky)
  17. Dewi Mutiara (Sky)
  18. Sussana Vamella (Sky / Italy)
  19. Nur Ilmawati (Sky)
  20. Rossy Withan (Sky)
  21. Anggi (Sky)
  22. Aditya (Sky)
  23. Kornel M Sihombing (DI)
  24. Edi Satriyo (Pelita Air)
  25. Darwin Pelawi (Pelita Air)
  26. Billy Purwoko (Airfast)
  27. Budi Rizal (Son Antha Aerospace)
  28. Syafruddin (Carpedrem Independent)
  29. Peter Adler (Sriwijaya / US)
  30. Herman Suladji (Air Maleo)
  31. Donardi Rahman (Aviastar)
  32. Arief Wahyudi (TR)
  33. Nam tran (Snecma / France)
  34. Rully Sarmawan (Indo Asia)
  35. Suharso Monoarfa (Manhattan)
  36. Haidir Bachsin (PT Prima Power Chess)
  37. Yalbloncev Sukhoi (Russia)
  38. Kirkin
  39. Kocheikov
  40. Rakhimov
  41. Shvestov
  42. Martishenko
  43. Grebenshokov
  44. Kurzhupova
  45. Salim (Sky)
  46. Ade Arisanti
  47. Raymond Sukando
  48. Santi
  49. Edy Saryoko (Gatary)
  50. Ganis Zuvianto Arman (Indonesia Air Transport)

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