Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Searching Missing Sukhoi 100 at 30 Point Guide

Searching Missing Sukhoi 100 at 30 Point Guide

About 40 volunteers from Tagana, community policing, and students on Thursday(9/10/2012) at around 4:00 pm, located at the search command post SukhoiSuperjet 100 in Dodiklatpur Rindam Jaya in the village of Gunung Sari, Pamijahandistrict, Bogor, precisely in northern foot of Mount Salak.

In this post the entire force personnel will assemble at 08.00 and start searching forthe missing plane contact on Wednesday (05/09/2012) afternoon. According to the Secretary Tagana Bogor regency, Dede Soleh, it will be deployed along with the volunteers, police and military to search for 30 points in the north of Mount Salak.

"At 8:00 we were to measure the strength of personnel. After that, go do a search.Some teams focus on the path to the crater of the Queen," he said Thursdaymorning.

Mount Salak to be in two areas, namely Bogor regency north and the south in the district Sukabumi. To the south, different teams will conduct a search of shelterCidahu, Sukabumi. "So there are two possible evacuation if the plane was found,could be in the Command Post Rindam in Bogor, or the Command Post Cidahu,Sukabumi," says Dede.

Sukhoi search field on Mount Salak certainly very heavy because of the vegetationis very dense with extreme contours. Another difficulty is the form factor of the badweather and heavy fog that often occurs in the mountains.

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