Sunday, March 9, 2014

Photo of Boing 777-200 MH370 Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Missing

Vietnamese Air Force search-owned Boeing 777 200 Malaysia Airlines the missing after two hours of takeoff March 8, 2014 plane carrying 239 people from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Image Credit: AFP PHOTO / Thanh Nien Newspaper
Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur-Beijing reported missing. Plane with flight number MH370 was not able to be contacted by air traffic control shortly after takeoff on Saturday (03/08/2014) at 00:41 local time.

The Boeing 777-200 that lost contact at around 2:40. The plane carrying 239 passengers including 2 babies and 12 crew.

Passengers scheduled to arrive at the Beijing International Airport at about 6:30 am. Rescue teams from various countries including Malaysia Airlines and the local authorities are conducting a search plane together.

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