Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Singapore Air Show 2012: Air Acrobatic as Opener

Asia's largest aerospace exhibition, the Singapore Airshow 2012, was officially opened at the Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore, Tuesday (14/02/2012).

The exhibition presents recent developments in the aviation industry and defense technology, especially advanced air defense.

Approximately 900 participants from 50 countries featured in this exhibition. Some of the participants is a manufacturer of aircraft and aircraft components. While another of the airline and aviation-related services.

A number of defense industries also exhibit their products better fighter, heavy weaponry, and sophisticated surveillance technology.

The exhibition will run until February 19, 2012. For 14-17 February 2012 only for the guests and business travelers. Whereas in the past two days recently opened to the public.

Fascinates visitors

That attract visitors during the exhibition is a main aerial acrobatics featuring professional airline pilot. Aerobatic stunt pilots from Australia, Tony Blair, showing his skills with a single-propeller airplane type Rebel 300.

Furthermore Aerobatic Team Royal Australian Air Force Roulette appearing with six Pilatus trainer aircraft types. They are instructor pilots from the Air Force Flight Academy Australia.

Apart from aerobatics, a number of aircraft manufacturers also demonstrated their new planes.

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