Monday, January 11, 2010

Medical Trained for Air Ambulance Crew

When transporting a patient on an air ambulance, it is important to have the most qualified medical personnel on board to offer the highest standard of quality care.
For this reason, the following are the very best aero-medically trained staff consisting of:
• ICU-CCU Certified Registered Nurses• Advanced Life Support Paramedics• Respiratory Therapists• Pediatric and Neonatal Nurses• ER physicians• Cardiologists• Neurologists• Orthopedists
Prior to transferring a patient on an air ambulance, the medical flight crew will review the patient’s medical history with the attending physician or charge nurse to assure that the proper medical equipment and medical staff are accompanying the patient.
On most air ambulance flights, a Registered Nurse and/or an ALS Paramedic will always care for the patient on the flight.
If the patient is on a respirator or a ventilator, then a Respiratory Therapist must also accompany the patient along with a Registered Nurse and/or a Paramedic.
When a specialized physician is needed, then he will accompany the Registered Nurse and/or the Paramedic.

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