Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Police Search Set Three Locations Sukhoi Superjet 100 Missing

Police Search Set Three Locations Sukhoi Superjet 100 Missing

Head of Public Relations Police Martinus Sitompul stated, on Thursday (5/10/2012) at 05.00 this morning a joint team of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 search will resume search for missing aircraft.

Joint force personnel were deployed as a whole consists of 711 people. The team includes Police Mobile Brigade in West Java, Bogor Police, 315 Battalion, Special Forces Battalion, Kodim, Lanud ATS, Indonesia Cross Red, BPBD, Tagana, and RAPI. Personnelorganized into 30 teams search.

"The team focused on three locations of the search centered on Mount Salak,around the village of Gunung Sari, and the District Pamijahan," Martin said when contacted by, Wednesday (05/09/2012) night.

Martin said the shelter is located in the headquarters operations Kodiklat RindamJaya, Cibatok Village, District Pamijahan. Evacuation is done by using fivehelicopters, four of the Red Cross and one of the ATS air base.

Meanwhile, according to Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Committee(NTSC) Tatang Kurniadi, it focused search for the black box of Sukhoi aircraft.Black box is important to know the cause of the loss of the aircraft during flight."NTSC would be leading, following the lead for this search. I have a messageplease search and rescue team to secure black box because it's become one of theimportant part," said Tatang.

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